Showing posts with label MySQL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MySQL. Show all posts

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Testing a MySQL restore in a container using VIC

We had a requirement yesterday where we had to lift and shift a static website from a major Cloud provider to our in-house Datacenter (why would someone want to do that is another topic ;-) ). It was a typical 3-tier application. The Database was MySQL. The customer shipped us a database dump and our System Admins got busy building a new RHEL VM for it. I got curious to see if the dump can be tested before restoring in the RHEL VM. Docker Containers to the rescue!

With limited MySQL knowledge I started digging deeper. Following was the thought process -

1) Can the backup be copied inside a container running MySQL image?
2) That would require a volume store in VCH which can be mounted inside the MySQL container.
3) Test if the database is restored and running - locally as well as using a remote client.

Lets dive into how this was done using vSphere Integrated Containers.

I have already deployed the VCH.

Lets create a volume store where the DB Backup can be copied.

Next create and mount the volume in a MySQL container.

--name: Name of container

-v: Bind mount a volume. soure_volume:container_destination_options

-e: The environment variable.

MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: Password option is mandatory when running a MySQL container. You need to specify one of MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD, MYSQL_ALLOW_EMPTY_PASSWORD or MYSQL_RANDOM_ROOT_PASSWORD
Refer to "How to use this image" in the official repository

--network: connecting the container to a container network defined while creating the VCH. This was defined with a IP block so it will assign an IP from that block.

mysql: image name.

Now that the container is created, lets copy the mysql_db_dump.sql  dump file to the volume that is mounted to the container.

Now that the database dump is copied in the container, lets start it. Once that container is running lets confirm if the dump file is copied at /var/lib/mysql

Next, lets check what databases are currently running inside the container. There are multiple ways you can achieve this -

Opening a bash shell to the container:

As you can see we land directly at the root prompt inside the container.

mysql -uroot -pversecurepassword

Login to mysql with root as the username and verysecurepassword as the password. The password was set at the time of container creation. 
This gives you a mysql prompt. From here you can run all your queries against the Database. 

Using Docker exec: 

You can also use docker exec -i to just pass commands to the container in an interactive mode instead of the Bash shell. Here is how its done - 

Lets create a new Database named TEST_RESTORE and restore the mysql_db_dump.sql

As you can see the database has been restored and "show tables;" lists all tables.

Lets create a client container to see if we can connect to the Database from it.

Note: We did not run legacy --link command. We ran the client container on a Container Network which is able to communicate with our mysqlrestore container.

This concludes that we can connect to the restored database locally as well as from a remote client.