In my last post we created a Docker Swarm using DCH now lets look at a few cool things you can do with it.
The setup remains the same as the last post.
Scaling up and down
In our original example we had 6 replicas running.
Run the following to check the running processes -
docker -H service ps web
docker -H service scale web=10
And then check to see if the instances have been scaled to 10
docker -H service scale web=6
And check to see if the instances have been scaled down back to 6.
Before draining a node let us make sure the number of running processes/instances and the corresponding worker nodes they are running on.
- 1 on manager1
- 1 on worker1
- 2 on worker2
- 2 on worker3
Run the following command to drain worker3
docker -H node update --availability drain worker3
As you can see web.8 and web.9 are shutdown on worker3 and are scheduled on manager1 and worker1 respectively.
Applying Rolling Updates
The simplest of all commands. If the nginx image you deployed needs to be updated, just run -
docker service update --image <imagename>:<version> web
Removing a service
Be careful using this command. It does not ask for confirmation.
docker service rm web