Friday, November 10, 2017

Pull and Push Images from Private Repository (Project Respository) inside a dch-photon container

vSphere Integrated Containers v1.2 includes the ability to provision native Docker container hosts (DCH). The DCH is distributed by VMware through Docker Hub.

Refer to my previous blog about Docker Swarm

Each node in this swarm is a native docker container host. A service that is deployed on the swarm is nothing but containers deployed on top of individual swarm nodes. Which means you can run a docker ps on individual swam nodes and get a list of containers running on each of them.

Swarm_test is our VCH.

Manager1 is the swarm manager and worker1, worker2, worker3 are the worker nodes.

As you can see the swarm is running 2 services - portainer and web

There are 4 replicas of the web service. Service ps web shows you the 4 instances with their IDs.

These are nothing but 4 individual containers running on each of the nodes.

Note the service IDs on the swarm which runs as a container on manager1 and worker1. 

You can use either deploy images from Docker Hub or use docker-compose.yml to define your application made up of multiple containers.

What if a Developer wants to pull and push images from a private repository inside a Project created in your VIC Management Portal ?

So I tried to connect to my private repository and got a certificate error.

I am trying to login from worker2 to which is my VIC Manager.

Lets copy the right certificate so we can login to our private registry. To get the certificate login to your VIC management portal - https://vicmanagerip:8282 and login using an Admin account. I logged in with administrator@vsphere.local 

Download the certificate. The certificate needs to be copied on the worker2 node at - /etc/docker/certs.d/yourFQDN_VIC_manager_name/

You need to create certs.d and yourFQDN_VIC_manager_name directory. Here is how -

Lets try to connect once again -

Success! Similarly you can copy the cert to all other nodes thus letting you push and pull images from the private registry and deploy them straight from or to a swarm node.

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